IPIEA Conference 2015

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Volumetric PAUT Application & PoD in Compliance with ASME B31.3 on Stainless Steel Welds

IPEIA (Title)

Metalogic Inspection Services was approached by a client to work on providing an Inspection Solution for Austenitic Stainless Steel welds to:

  • avoid radiation safety issues “inherent” with industrial radiography,
  • overcome “Inspection Window” restrictions that slows production,
  • offer “Timely Inspection” to detect flaws at early stages of manufacturing, and
  • deliver close to “real time” feedback for continuous improvement in processes to correct  anomalies and provide cost savings in Austenitic Stainless Steel Manufacturing.


The greatest success was the attainment of project goals with full collaboration between all parties, i.e. Metalogic, Clients and Inspection Personnel. Detailed inspection procedures with acceptable PoD through comprehensive inspection configuration were developed and inspection personnel trained in line with agreed upon PDQs.


Please join us for the full presentation of this paper at IPEIA 2015 in room 301, February 20th at 8:45am


You can also stop by Booth #26 where you will find our sales team and more information about us. We look forward to seeing you there!




Wood Buffalo Office Open for Business

We are excited to announce that our Fort McMurray Office is now open for business. This gives Metalogic a local presence in the Fort McMurray area to better support our clients with both small, and large scale projects. We are the only local company with the depth of resources to effectively implement MetaPhase™ ,Close Proximity Radiography, as well as conventional NDT services.

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